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Regulations Governing e-Book Readers

National Taiwan Ocean University Office of Library and Information Technology Regulations Governing e-Book Readers

Ratified by Library & IT Committee by administrative review on March 3, 2015

I. e-Book readers have been made available by the Office of Library and Information Technology (hereinafter referred to as the OLIT) to promote e-reading, mobile learning, and the full use of electronic resources at NTOU.
II. Borrowing eligibility:
  Eligible borrowers of e-books are limited to current faculty members, staff members, and students at NTOU.
III. Loan period:
  1. e-Book readers may be borrowed for 7 days but can not be renewed. Each patron may only borrow one e-book reader at a time and must return it before borrowing or reserving another. Faculty members who have applied for teaching purposes and been approved by the OLIT are exempt from this restriction.
  2. Patrons may reserve e-book readers online in the event that all the e-book readers are on loan. The OLIT will send a notice by e-mail once an e-book reader is available. Patrons must complete check-out procedures within three days of receiving the notice; otherwise, the reservation will be canceled.
IV. Check-out and return procedures:
  1. Borrowers must present their university ID card in person upon borrowing and returning e-book readers and may not use the library book drop to return e-book readers.
  2. Borrowers must verify that the e-book reader is in good working order with the proper accessories at the time of check-out and notify OLIT staff of any problems immediately. Borrowers will be held liable for any damages after the e-book reader has left the circulation desk according to Article 7 of these Regulations.
  3. Upon return, OLIT staff will verify that the e-book reader and all accessories have been returned and are in operating condition in the presence of the borrower before the return process is completed. The OLIT will delete any personal files that are still in the e-book reader after its return without prior notification.
V. Borrower responsibilities:
  1. Borrowers are responsible for the safekeeping of the e-book reader during the loan period. They must prevent the e-book reader from being marked or damaged and avoid environments that are hazardous to the e-book reader.
  2. Borrowers may not disassemble the e-book reader (or its accessories), crack the e-book reader software, or change its default settings during the loan period.
VI. Late returns:
  Borrowers must return the e-book reader on or before the due date. Borrowers who fail to do so will immediately lose borrowing privileges, and an overdue fee of NTD 100 per day will be levied. e-Book readers that are overdue by more than 30 days will be considered lost, and the borrowers will be liable for compensation according to Article 7 of these Regulations in addition to the overdue fine.
VII. Lost or damaged items:
  If any malfunctions in the e-book reader are encountered during the loan period, borrowers must notify the OLIT immediately and return the e-book reader and its accessories. Borrowers are liable for the following:
  1. repair costs of damages to the hardware during the loan period;
  2. replacement costs of lost or damaged accessories;
  3. In the event of loss or irreparable damage, borrowers must compensate the library with a new device of the same brand with specifications equal to or higher than the original device or provide financial compensation equal to the original purchase price of the device.
VIII. Additional notes:
  1. The OLIT reserves the right to request borrowers to return e-book readers before the due date in special circumstances. Those who do not comply will be subject to the provisions of Article 6.
  2. Borrowers must observe intellectual property rights and relevant laws and regulations while using the e-book readers. Borrowers who intentionally or negligently violate the law are liable for their own actions.
  3. For matters not covered in these Regulations, relevant laws and regulations apply.
VIIII. The Library & IT Committee shall ratify, promulgate, and implement these Regulations, and any amendments thereto.
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