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Points for using the book drop in the National Taiwan Ocean University Library

Points for using the book drop in the National Taiwan Ocean University Library

Latest Revised and Passed by the Library and Information Technology Committee on November 7, 2016


Section 1: To facilitate the return of books by readers, in addition to returning books directly from the circulation counter of the library, the school library has set up a book drop, and readers can deliver and return books by themselves. In addition to the relevant regulations of the library, the return of books shall be handled following these points.

Section 2: The use of the book drop is limited to the books of the NTOU library. Please do not put any other materials. The library is not responsible for the custody or compensation of the wrongly deposited materials. The library has the right to deal with those materials not returned within seven days.

Section 3: Video tapes, audio tapes, magnetic discs, CD-ROMs, and other multimedia materials and book annex cannot be put into the book drop; otherwise, each piece will be fined NT$10. For overdue, the fine will be accumulated.

Section 4: Reference books, course reserves, and bundled periodicals, with a loan period of one day, should not be placed on the book drop to avoid fines for overdue books.

Section 5: Calculation standard of return date: For holidays, the next working day should be the return day; it is the time that the library manages the book drop service. For Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, the following Monday will be the returning day where the library checks the actual number of books returned. The person returning the book should also check their borrowing status for further validation. If there are questions, please notify the library within three days.

Section 6: Those who use the book drop service to return overdue books will still be subjected to fines; if fines are unpaid, the right to borrow books will be suspended.

Section 7: For borrowers who use the book drop service to return books, before the library checks the returned books, the number of books that can be borrowed is still based on the library's automated system records.

Section 8: These regulations shall be implemented after the approval of the Library and Information Technology Committee.